About Cosmic Anarchy

Cosmic Anarchy is a weekly newsletter that serves as an accessible tool-kit for you and your loved ones to sustainably unplug from the capitalist matrix and build community in the process. Each edition of the newsletter will focus on a unique global topic that shows how we can apply our politics and social justice values into our daily life, actions and relationships. Praxis is everything!

Cosmic Anarchy bridges science and social justice and breaks down complex ideas without using jargon or fluff to relay a simple point. No prior knowledge or experience is required. Catch a glimpse of my teaching and mentoring style on my instagram @wokescientist. All you need is an open-mind, patience, commitment to your own growth and a willingness to unlearn the internalized capitalist and colonial norms or beliefs that you have been socialized with since birth. We got this!

Check out my website to work with me

What can Cosmic Anarchy do for you?

Cosmic Anarchy will boldly and compassionately catalyze cognitive dissonance by pushing your mind’s existing limits and also give you tangible tools to build self-awareness, learn new information to truly understand how the world works and apply this knowledge in your own life. In order to abolish cages in the world like prisons, we must first abolish the mental and social cages that block our growth.

We all have a critical role in mobilizing for the revolution. Cosmic Anarchy will help you find and develop it for you and your community’s liberation.

Why subscribe?

Free subscribers

You will receive an email every week focused on the featured topic of the week and include a brief background to the newsletter in bullet-point form with a ~1-2 minute video of me breaking it down workshop style.

Paid subscribers

100% of the funds made from this newsletter will go towards my mutual aid efforts which currently focus on aiding houseless folks in Santiago, Chile with basic survival resources.

Full access

With a small monthly fee, you will receive an email every week with full access to the newsletter and exclusive monthly 101s on topics in geopolitics, science & medicine, decolonized psychology & psychiatry, trauma healing, neurodiversity and more. Never miss an update.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter and special monthly FAQs feature goes directly to your inbox.

Join the crew

Be part of a community of people who share your passion, open-mindedness and dedication to growth and collective liberation.

What is in each full-access newsletter?

  1. Each newsletter will include essential background info on the weekly featured topic, a simple breakdown on the what/ how/ where/ when/ why using innovative multimedia art graphics, real life examples of how political concepts apply to your daily life and short engaging videos where I explain specific ideas workshop style.

  2. Each newsletter will have self-reflection and practice exercises that allow you to absorb concepts, expand your mind and incorporate transformative changes into your everyday life on your time and at your own pace.

  3. Each newsletter will also include a personal reflection from me where I share my own stories, struggles, and pieces of my lived experience that are relevant to the weekly topic

  4. & I will develop more exclusive features based on community feedback!

100% of funds from here go to mutual aid efforts in Nashville, Tennessee (where I live)

What else can paid subscribers get?

As an educator and artist, I offer group teach-ins and workshops each with limited spots that allow us to learn in community, engage, and build on these concepts. As a paid subscriber, you will get early access to secure a spot for all workshops!

You will have access to a portal to submit questions at the end of each newsletter. At the end of every month- a diverse selection of questions will be answered in a special FAQs newsletter sent to paid subscribers!

Economic justice is critical to sustaining our movements. Compensating leftist educators for their life’s work and community offerings protects the endless time, labor and energy that they dedicate. I believe people tangibly invest in the knowledge, spaces and resources they value.

About Dr. Ayesha Khan

You may know me as @wokescientist on Instagram

Ayesha Khan, Ph.D., (any pronouns) is a divergent Infectious Diseases Scientist, Germ doctor, grassroots organizer, writer, astrobiologist & educator discovering the science of social justice, decolonization, collectivism, neurodiversity & liberation.

Ayesha’s art activism breaks down complex scientific and geopolitical concepts, with innovative pedagogy, making them accessible to everyone. Ayesha is building abolitionist science- a novel field that deploys research-driven scientific strategies to arm individuals and communities with tools to abolish capitalism and all global oppressive carceral systems while simultaneously building equitable socialist systems. This work builds on foundations laid by scholars of global abolitionist movements.

Hi, friends! Thank you for being here!

My name is Ayesha. I created abolitionist science after a lifetime of searching for & not finding resources for my community’s liberation that bridge science & social justice. This work is borne out of an absence of a dedicated field of study that leverages basic science data-driven research to prove the validity of abolitionist, leftist political solutions to global oppression.

I’ve dedicated my life to building the foundations of abolitionist science & translating theory into tangible praxis for anyone to apply in their daily life & relationships and scale up to ultimately transform our communities as a whole.

Learn more about my background, roots, and experience on my website.

  • By traditional academic training, I’m a “germ doctor”, i.e. I specialize in infectious diseases- both as a clinician in patient care focusing on the diagnosis of infections and as a basic & translational scientist researching antibiotic resistant superbugs.

  • Coming from many marginalized backgrounds & due to my lifelong dedication to community, I’m a grassroots organizer driving long-term sustainable strategy in a few national/ global movements.

  • By passion, I’m an educator & mentor working with people to catalyze their unlearning & radicalization journey by pushing cognitive dissonance in a bold space defined by compassion using decolonized psychology. I help people unplug from the matrix of dogma, social constructs, arbitrary norms & binaries.

  • By creative instinct, I’m an artist & a writer using art activism as a tool to communicate complex scientific, geopolitical & historical concepts in an accessible manner.

Cosmic Anarchy is built on the political foundations of abolitionist science- a novel field that takes a scientific and political approach to abolish systems of global oppression including our cultural practices that uphold these systems. and so you may learn how our world works and the critical role you play in the revolution.

My website has a breakdown on what abolitionist science is.

Subscribe to Cosmic Anarchy

The abolitionist, decolonized, collectivist healing guide + medicine toolkit to unplug from capitalism and ground in community & our ecosystems


Germ Doctor, Infectious Diseases Scientist, Abolitionist Community Organizer, Artist, Anarchist & Educator Decoding the Science of Social Justice➕Collectivism ➕Neurodiversity➕Trauma & Politicizing Mental Health 🔹Work with me: www.ayesha-khan.com
Flowing through life
Plant offerings & such
Poor Proles Almanac host, accountant, farmer & vagrant.
i am a silly bard first and a meme admin second. if we're getting technical, i am also a fairly competent academic. but mainly it's those first two things.
eldest daughter blues