Thank you for sharing your thoughts and articulating them so well. This feels like a great place to start and helped me further develop my own thoughts. I firmly believe people should live because they want to and not because they’re forced to. If people want to erase their existence from this earth because systems in place dehumanize them and force them to live in scarcity, maybe it’s time we erase the system. I’d like to work towards a more loving and supportive world too. Reading articles like this and knowing others have similar thoughts gives me hope. Thank you again ❤️

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Thank you so much for speaking on this. People need safe spaces to talk about suicidality without fearing harmful carceral responses.

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Thank you so much Ayesha for sharing and speaking on this vital area. This.... "If we didn’t subscribe to the state’s definition & accepted that questioning one’s attachment to life might be a pretty common, widespread, fluid feeling- we might see that people may fear acknowledging these feelings given current societal consequences & stigma." Thank you. I feel every word. I'm sorry that you need to tone police yourself and I understand.

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You have put into words so many of the thoughts I have had around this topic but have never been able to fully articulate to others. I now realise that I was missing the framework I needed to explain myself. Thank you for your kindness in sharing your own personal experience. Helps me feel less alone. x

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Thank you. My words cannot express how thankful I am, from the bottom of my heart, as someone who survived too many attempts. With my privilege, I really needed this lens, a long time ago really. You always put it so well. This article will be so important in the coming years as mental health of Gen Z decreases dramatically with all the climate change and systemic violence being brought into hyperawareness. You speak truth to the suffering so many of us began to become aware of in silence as adolescents. I recently lost a childhood best friend and I can’t thank you enough for putting this out there.

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Wow, this was a very challenging read. Thanks so much for covering such difficult ground and for being vulnerable ❤️

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Thank you Ayesha, a very brave and personal piece. It’s given me some new ways of thinking about this, so very useful. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️

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