I think a critical question to me here is "who are the people?"

it's super easy to say "the people" and make that as a symbolic statement, but I think we might be served to get exquisitely clear on: who is "the people"? (it may be different for each one of us) otherwise it's just an intangible symbol that we are affixing love to, rather than those with real stories that we know and move us to act on their behalf.

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I've also noticed (particularly in the predominantly white and owning-class activist spaces I first encountered) a tendency for people to see "the people" as a group separate from themselves, or maybe something amorphous they hope to someday "join". Really glad to see individualism highlighted in this piece's critique and I think you're right to raise this question.

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Thank you, so much good food for thought here. I also loved seeing all the art you shared. Thank you.

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This is a very meaningful post, so far the most complete I’ve seen regarding tangible action and how to do it, I wish we could question ourselves in such a deep manner regarding what are, who and how are we fighting for, thank you :,)

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Yes. I love everything about this piece. Thank you. And I love all the art you chose to share, too. Thank you for continuing to write. Much solidarity.

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Thank you for this! You’ve put into words so many things that have been on my heart.

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