May 26, 2023Liked by Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.

“Exploitative systems... designed to fabricate scarcity, not feed everyone.” 🌟 Yes

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May 30, 2023Liked by Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.

Thank you Ayesha ❤️ This affirms my desire to relate with the ecosystem/ my community in a nurturing way ❤️

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So well oriented. Love love love this!

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Love what you are saying here. And I wonder about filling up land with buildings and parking lots, more and more housing, McMansions, places to work and buy stuff, car dealerships so more individuals can drive around. These are all restated to how many of us there are, isn’t it?

Even the capitalist idea of land ownership and mortgages that kept the economy going is related to the idea that more building is good for the economy. Add to that that corporations are now becoming land owners and landlords in a non-local impersonal kind of fiefdom rent-raising on the poor and lower middle class unable to purchase the land. Your credit score is examined to see if you are a worthy participant in the capitalist world to qualify for work, housing, or anything really.

So yes, living in intra-connection with life and land is what’s called for, all the earth and many of us are calling for reciprocal mutually beneficial relating. It’s based in a deeper truth of unity: it’s One Life, One Body, One Being that is an open living ecosystem we are meant to be an integral part of, that’s fulfilling in ways our modern world has no access to due to disenfranchised disconnection all the way around. When we see that it serves the various industrial complexes profiteering at any cost to the Life for the few feudal lords who could care less due to their deep psychopathology and disenfranchisement, unconscious trauma that continues selfishly to get what is wanted regardless of what it does -- and even arrogantly convince themselves they are helping to poor ignorant masses. God forbid they should get a decent education and rise up as the strong middle class of the 60’s did, committed to ending war, racism, inequality, poverty, mysogeny, ageism etc., all of which are institutionalized in the industrial complexes in which people are nothing more than economic units. Do away with unions (some of which were/are dysfunctional too) and what made for an educated strong middle class, buy out educational institutions with funded research grants that support the agendas of the industrial complexes, it goes on and on.

So each of us gets to discover what use we make of the information we come across, like this. Discover how we can support the open living system of This Life we are. Can we have conversations with and educate more farmers/ranchers in our area?

It’s a radical shift in consciousness we are collectively undergoing. The capitalist/colonial system is under scrutiny now. I’m struck by being part of a nation that waged resistance and then war upon colonial government that now resembles it almost entirely. How will we commemorate it this July 4th?

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Hey, have been really enjoying this series and found it very validating/clarifying of what the problem is, what isn't working, and how we start to focus on real collective solutions. Thank you for starting this discussion and putting your dialogue out there.

A friend and I listening to the podcast wanted to ask if you could give some more thoughts in a future episode specifically about cities and urban community. For context, I live in London now, and my friend from Kosovo. I grew up in rural Wales where my parents gardened, kept sheep, chickens, ducks and bees and stewarded some woodland.

Given how difficult it is to access land/ growing space for even small scale gardening in a lot of cities, and considering what Marx called 'Metabolic Rift' , how the demand/consumption in cities under capitalism overtake supply from surrounding countryside, and waste in the form of compost and manure is not brought from cities back onto the land anymore, how can urban communities reconnect to food production? How can we produce enough to feed everyone whilst corporations and the state still dominate the means of production (the land) and violently defend the interests of global markets with their police(y)?

Poor and oppressed communities can't afford rent and are working full time, a cottage core idea of farming and feeding yourself and your homies is out of reach for many people who have been dispossessed whether in the global north or south. How can we keep being loud and encouraging about more people getting their hands dirty and growing food/caring for plants and animals, whilst not indulging in a homesteading idea that is too often only possible for 'alternative' white folks with inherited wealth, whilst even those who start with relative privilege and access to land often can't make small scale farming financially viable.

I don't expect you to have the answers, but these are some reasons I struggle to feel hopeful, so I wondered what you think about it.

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Thank you for this, I am in tears. I’m so grateful to have this and other similar teachings in my life ❤️

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Literally gardening is revolutionary. I hope it becomes more and more accessible to everyone as time moves on, because to be able to garden, if one wants to garden, is a birth right. Also 100% agree, we need many many small farms and gardens, not a smaller number of giant farms. If we looked at all of the little spaces we have all over the place, we could grow sooooo much food, a well kept secret that I want everyone to know about and take full advantage of. (Also no dig and no till are much easier on a smaller scale and better for the env and soil, and reduce the amount of work and fossil fuels needed to grow food)

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