One of the most lucid, precise and imaginative content I came across. I find your contents in general so useful and it inspire me so much to create and innovate more in my own life and work. Today I couldn't do anything but what your essay called me to do: to prepare new material to my students about true creativity and innovation. It really assured me to continue on this path. Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. Sending love from Brazil 💜

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My microbes and I (all of us anarchist & collective healers) thank you for the symbiotic parallels in this post.

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I adore this! Human beings are creative, collaborative, sharing, and inventive by nature. Individualist, capitalist, colonial thinking was done "to" us <3

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I really love the reframing of innovation, and looking at innovation as kindness and community care will stay with me. Thank you for sharing your insights.

It made me think about animals needing to evolve and innovate during times of ecological strife - maybe this is what many of us are attempting to do under capitalism. Living under capitalism is so tricky and punishing, that innovations in technology and science could be earnest attempts to make life easier *within* the current system.

Capitalism encourages innovation like a drought encourages biological survive - fear of extinction, survival. Certainly not the innovation oasis presented to us by proponents of capitalism.

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Another beautiful post by you, Ayesha! I enjoy your writing and love everything you have to say. I have this intense need to peruse your personal bookshelf!

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Of course I'm ambitious ... about caring for my community 🥰🥰🥰

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We live in a toxic culture! Just like microbes in a bad science experiment 🧫 the culture has been fucked with by junior high science students who keep pouring the wrong stuff in there and the culture is (surprise) not only having troubles growing but some of it is completely dying off... Thanks to people like YOU and Gabor Mate, the myth of what a “normal culture” should look like is now being revised 🙏🏼💕❤️ does that make sense? I’m one of those ADHD people 😅

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I’m at a point where I’m so sick of “isms” in general because the second I say “capitalism” some white dude somewhere is ready to chime in and fight about it which is more exhausting than it’s worth. They also ALWAYS assume that “socialism” is the natural alternative and “that’s never worked before and never will”. They’re broken records and don’t have the capacity to process this info, as wonderful as it is, in my opinion.

I save myself energy now and just work toward building what I know is good, with others. Lift up what you can, because some of these people are never going to let go of their precious isms and I’m not totally sure if it’s productive to keep fighting them on it, versus just making our collective movement so strong that the isms naturally start to shift, no matter what they’re being called. Food for thought! Open to discussion.

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It feels to me that true innovation is only possible during or after completing the dismantling of capitalistic structures in our inner landscape. Otherwise, our creations are largely replicators of the core directives of capitalism.

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