Sep 12Liked by Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.

This text made me feel so much. Thank you for writing this, I appreciate your reflections and wisdom more than I can say.

I find that the in-fighting is ubiquitous in both leftist movements and interpersonal relationships. I believe the overbearing cancer that is capitalist/imperialist systems also make us sensitive to what we perceive as others overtaking our space. Like a child that has very little to no control of what goes on, we get childish and scream "mine!" when someone reaches over to take something of ours, whether that be talking space, our time, our things or our energy. This hypervigilance, which I believe is a result of always having to look over our shoulder in fear of the state/the system making our lives harder, sadly enforce our sense of isolation and alienation from each other.

I hope we can come to relate to one another with a greater sense of humility and respect. It's a long journey ahead but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else with my precious life here on earth. Let's keep building our sustainable, critical mass.

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Sep 11Liked by Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.

Appreciate this so much, particularly the connections between movements and cellular biology. I'm really interested in the concept of biomimicry, learning from non-human members of nature and applying that knowledge to building movements.

Also love the quote:

"That is why we must build reciprocal friendships & relational bonds that are just as much nurturing & supportive as they are critical & growth-inducing."

Today, the concept of 'doikayt,' hereness is on my mind (I just wrote a piece about it!) and these words remind me of this Yiddish principle that we find belonging wherever we are by being in networks of solidarity with those around us.

So many of our traditions teach us to live in right relationship with those around us and we can resist colonialism and capitalism by learning from our histories.

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Sep 11Liked by Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.

Thank you for putting to words my conflicts and struggles. Each day is another fights with the white supremacist that runs around in my brain. Even after all this time, the books, lectures, decolonisings she still wins.

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Sep 12Liked by Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.

I'm not even done reading this, but am greatly moved by both of your interwoven perspectives. "Both of us think that organizing spaces can be one of the most cruel, ruthless & draconian spaces in the west which is saying a lot." -- That says SO MUCH that I've experienced over the years. AND... this article is full of hope and deep remembering at the cellular level. Thank you for sharing this, and I will share with others.

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this newsletter always leave me feeling a little more okay with existing <3 I try to recommend it to literally any person I speak with

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I'm ready to learn, but what to do if I'm demonstrably already precarious & need to be COVID-conscious, when others aren't. How will 1-to-1 sessions help when all these Dissonances are deep, as you say, & are growing?

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Wonderful piece, thank you both! I've thought a lot about ways in which the principles of racial capitalism/colonialism mirror the hallmarks of cancer- uncontrolled proliferation, deregulation, sucking up resources by inducing vasculature, unlocking plasticity to change over time, etc. Loved this take through the lense of immunology!

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"There can be no doubt that the tribe including many members who are always ready to give aid to each other, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over other tribes. And this would be natural selection.” Charles Darwin, The Descent Of Man

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Devoting myself to co-creating an agrarian eco-village community rooted in justice in the central piedmont of what is now called North Carolina. Love and appreciate the insights and wisdom y'all share. Definitely called to point the mirror back at myself and notice the ways the diseased dominant culture has infiltrated me. Determined to increase my awareness and share that expanded awareness with others, with compassion, finding the balance of gentleness in the transition to a more beautiful culture and tough love calling in folks to wake the F up! :)

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Yes, the choice of words is always a mine field to navigate.

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